Torre de Can Parellada - l'Ordal



Estem molt emocionats de poder compartir amb tots vosaltres aquest dia tant important per nosaltres.

Júlia y Mateu se conocieron en una mágica noche de verano. Desde entonces, su amor ha crecido, llevándolos a este hermoso momento en el que celebrarán su unión con todos sus seres queridos.



¡Bienvenidos a nuestra página de boda! Aquí encontrarás toda la información necesaria.

A couple in wedding attire is standing beside a wooden bench, smiling and looking into the distance. The woman is holding a bouquet of flowers. The background features a body of water and lush greenery from overhanging branches, suggesting a serene outdoor setting.
A couple in wedding attire is standing beside a wooden bench, smiling and looking into the distance. The woman is holding a bouquet of flowers. The background features a body of water and lush greenery from overhanging branches, suggesting a serene outdoor setting.

Informació dels horaris del gran dia.

A joyful couple in wedding attire poses outdoors. The woman is wearing a white wedding dress and holding a bouquet, while the man is dressed in a beige suit with a white shirt and bow tie. They are standing close together with greenery and a modern building in the background.
A joyful couple in wedding attire poses outdoors. The woman is wearing a white wedding dress and holding a bouquet, while the man is dressed in a beige suit with a white shirt and bow tie. They are standing close together with greenery and a modern building in the background.
A joyful couple dressed in wedding attire, with the groom in a blue suit and red bow tie, and the bride in a white dress, holding a bouquet of flowers.
A joyful couple dressed in wedding attire, with the groom in a blue suit and red bow tie, and the bride in a white dress, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Escolta en primicia la música que ens acompanyará durant el nostre casamen.

Ens vols ajudar amb la nostra lluna de mel?